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Chinese translation for "center parking"


Related Translations:
parking:  condo(供出租或购买的)个人泊车位。n.〔美国〕停车。
parkes:  帕克斯
parks:  公园帕克斯
park:  n.帕克〔姓氏〕。n.1.公园,…场。2.圃囿;【英法】(国王特许的)猎园。3.〔美国〕街头广场;〔美国〕运动场。4.停车场;【军事】(露营中放大炮、辎重等的)放置场。5.(放置场上所放置的)全部东西;炮兵辎重;材料厂。6.养蚝所。7.〔美国〕(科罗拉多,怀俄明等州的)平原。8.〔苏格兰语〕牧地,耕地。短语和例子a national park 国立公园。 a base-ba
Example Sentences:
1.D52403 oct . 1998 hiratsuka city culture center park
D52403平成10 1998年10月平冢市文化
2.Center park is a good place to have fun
3.Business center parking tickets service laundry
4.Norcal waste systems inc . , the city ' s largest garbage company , plans to test collection carts and biodegradable bags in a city - center park popular with dog walkers
5.Norcal waste systems inc . , the city ' s largest garbage company , plans to test collection carts and biodegradable bags in a city - center park popular with dog walkers
6.It has good location and convenient traffic net : only 10 minutes to gaojiao exhibition , the train station and the city center park by car , closed to the big clothes market and entertainment center
7.Meeting facilities business center parking domestic long - distance access international long - distance access beauty salon complimentary broadband access karaoke chess poker room fitness facility massage sauna
8.Chaohai hotel locates the huaqiangbei commercial center of shenzhen ; it has good location and convenient traffic net : only 10 minutes to gaojiao exhibition , the train station and the city center park by car , closed to the big clothes market and entertainment center
9.San francisco , a leader in urban recycling , is preparing to enlist its canine population for a first in the united states : converting dog poop into energy . norcal waste systems inc . , the city ' s garbage company , plans to test collection carts and biodegradable bags in a city - center park popular with dog walkers
10.Norcal waste systems inc . , the city ' s garbage company , plans to test collection carts and biodegradable bags in a city - center park popular with dog walkers . a city study found that almost 4 percent of all the garbage picked up at san francisco homes was from animal waste destined for the city ' s landfill , norcal waste spokesman robert reid said . san francisco has an estimated 120 , 000 dogs
据路透社2月22日报道,诺科尔排泄物系统公司是旧金山一家专门负责垃圾处理的企业,该公司发言人罗伯特里德表示,该市此前进行过的一项研究发现,在从旧金山居民家庭中收集到的所有垃圾里,动物排泄物所占的比例大约为4 。
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